Monday, February 24, 2020

Title Tuesday: Fair Play

Welcome to  Title Tuesday, my favorite day of the week! This day is dedicated to book suggestions, news, cartoons, and reviews. For 2020 I decided to structure my book reviews by breaking each month into topics. You can find my topics list here. This month we are covering marriage. So lets jump in!

Let me start off by saying that today's book is one that many not be popular in many Christian circles. Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too Much to Do (and More Life to Live) by Eve Rodsky is not a "Christian" book. In fact a lot of people would probably deem it a feminist text and move on. But, before I jump into that, lets talk about what this book is. 

Fair Play is an acknowledgement that in most marriages the majority of work inside the home falls primarily on the shoulders of women. In fact, modern women are being CRUSHED by the weight of everything that they are rightly and unjustly expected to do for their families. 

Fair play is a system that helps couples to balance out the work load. The best part about this book is that Rodsky says clearly how to do that. In a lot of marriage books this idea is summed up as, "have a conversation with your spouse about responsibilities" and then they move on. This book IS the conversation you need to have with your spouse, it is also the conversation on how to make the changes needed. 

I will say that when my husband and I used this system we had to add in categories because we are a military family and we homeschool. Both of those qualifiers have specific needs and requirements that this book just didn't cover. 

Now, as to the idea that this book is unbiblical... if you have read the Bible, sharing one another's burdens and having dominion over your sphere of influence is not a male/female thing. It is a Christian thing. There isn't anything in the Bible that says a man can't help with household chores. The word of God places a great deal of significance on treating one another with respect and a great many Christian marriages could use this book to help get out of some ugly, un-Christlike patterns.

Overall, I give Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too Much to Do (and More Life to Live) five stars. I have come back to this book often and I have already loaned it to a friend. While it isn't a Christian book, there isn't anything in the text that compromises my theological standard. 

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