Review System

I review a lot of books here and I have found it helpful to let people know exactly how I base my reviews so that there isn't any confusion. In the past my model was a simple A+, B, or C- model . You can see the full old explanation of that hereNow I am moving to a star based review system for both fiction and nonfiction reviews.


5 stars
theologically sound
well written
would share with a friend
will read again


4 stars 
theologically sound
well written
would share with a friend

3 stars
theologically sound
well written

2 stars
theologically sound
well written

1 star 
Theologically sound 

0 stars
not theologically sound, regardless of any other criteria. 



5 stars
I enjoyed it
I want sequels
I could not put it down
I will recommend it to everyone
I will be reading all the fanfiction

4 Stars
I enjoyed it
I want sequels
I could not put it down
I will recommend it to everyone

3 Stars
I enjoyed it
I want sequels
I could not put it down

2 Stars
I enjoyed it
I want sequels

1 Star
I enjoyed it

0 Stars
I did not finish it

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