Sunday, May 7, 2017

Motherhood Monday: Can I Be This Grateful?

Welcome to another Motherhood MondayMotherhood is an incredible blessing. But it is also a huge challenge. Anyone that has experienced motherhood will tell you, there is an incredible shift in your very being when you become a mother. This is the day dedicated to all things "mommy" related. Check here each Monday for a new post.

I absolutely adore this picture, and let me tell you why. This is my very serious oldest child, William. He is my clean-it-up, don't-make-a-mess, time-to-do-work, child. 

In this picture he had just finished being outside for four hours while I coached twelve ladies in our garage gym ministry

He was hot, he was sweaty, and he was hungry. 

When we came inside he asked for a snack and I wanted to give him something to help him cool off, so I gave him some frozen grapes. He immediately took one out of the bag and popped it in his mouth. I told him to stop and that we needed to thank God for these grapes. William looked up to heaven and said, "God thank you, grapes"

One of the ladies in the gym was standing there and took this picture. It will forever make me think of how much gratitude my son has, for little bitty grapes. 

It makes me think, can I be this grateful? Do I look up to heaven with my heart open thanking my heavenly father for all that He has given me? During mealtime prayers, am I authentic in praising and thanking for the food before me or has it become just a habit that I do? Do I have William's level of gratitude when God lovingly calls me out and reminds me to be faithful? 

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." My new goal for myself is to be grateful like William, in all circumstances. I want to teach my boys what authentic gratitude is and why God is SO deserving of it. So I am going to start today! 

Today I am grateful for my sweet William that reminds me daily of how very loved we are by God and how much we have to be grateful for each and every day. Today I am grateful for the reminder of how much God has provided for us and how He molds and teaches us in unusual ways, even using our children to teach us new things. 

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