Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Title Tuesday: Dare to Respect

Welcome to  Title Tuesday, my favorite day of the week! This day is dedicated to book suggestions and reviews. I write this portion of my blog because I am a big believer in the motivational speaker Charlie Jones' quote which says, "You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” I try to meet as many new people as possible and to read everything I can. This is my way of sharing that information with you. If you are interested in understanding my rating system for books you can read my Book Review Explanation here and What I Believe here. If you want to check out what I am currently reading or what I want to read next, friend me on Goodreads! With all that being said, lets jump in!

Last week I wrote about  The Respect Dare by Nina Roesner. The book for this week is based off that book! This week we are going to talk about Dare to Respect by Tammy Oberg De La Garza

This book is actually a work of fiction about women that took The Respect Dare, and how it changed their lives. The book follows the story of six different women and how the Respect Dare impacted their marriages. 

Dare to Respect gives some real, practical things that could be done to help wives show respect to their husbands. The characters stories are well developed and very intricate. The story line is rich and captures the imagination.

The only downside to this book is the handling of the topic of pornography. The author hints that pornography makes men violent, wife-beaters. I think that this misconstruction could lead a lot of women down an ugly path if they ever found out their husbands were using pornography. While I absolutely agree that pornography is 100% wrong, not all men that view pornography are going to be as aggressive as one of the husbands in the novel. 

Overall I give this book a B+. While there is nothing wrong with the book I generally don't read fiction, so I am going to review it as a tool. This book can be used to help you better accomplish marriage improvements. It would be a good tool for a women's group to talk over if they were looking for a fictional alternative for book club. If used as a tool, I would explain carefully to the group that the depiction of pornography use and the subsequent actions taken are not necessarily right or biblical, which is why this book received only a B+. 

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