Monday, October 9, 2017

Homemaking Ministry Photo Challenge: Day 9

Today is day #9 of the#HomemakingMinistries photo challenge which means it is time to show you what my kitchen looks like!

This is a terrible picture of my kitchen but it was all I could get during nap-time and it really doesn't do it justice. This kitchen is one of my favorite parts of my house. 

I have to brag on my husband for just a minute. 

When we PCSed to California I was super worried about having enough space in our kitchen to do the kind of ministry that we are used to. 

Enter super husband who was somehow able to find a house in our price range, close to base, with enough bedrooms, a large backyard, AND a kitchen large enough to feed 30+ people. (Go ahead, ask me how I know that!)


I am participating in the #HomemakingMinistries Homemaking Photo-A-Day challenge. 

Want to join me? 
Use the hashtag #HomemakingMinistries  and tag The Forgiven Former Feminist on Facebook or Twitter!     

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