Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Title Tuesday: Reading People

Welcome to  Title Tuesday, my favorite day of the week! This day is dedicated to book suggestions and reviews. I write this portion of my blog because I am a big believer in the motivational speaker Charlie Jones' quote which says, "You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” I try to meet as many new people as possible and to read everything I can. This is my way of sharing that information with you. If you are interested in understanding my rating system for books you can read my Book Review Explanation here and What I Believe here. If you want to check out what I am currently reading or what I want to read next, friend me on Goodreads! With all that being said, lets jump in!

Do people ever just rub you the wrong way? While the Bible is pretty clear that we are to treat others the way that we wan to be treated, personalities sometimes cause conflicts in even the closest of relationships. If you scroll through your facebook feed any given day you will find scores of personality tests and tools. In her new book Reading People Anne Bogel (who writes over at the Modern Mrs. Darcy blog) discusses the various personality assessments out there and what their strengths and weaknesses are.  

I found Reading People to be a very helpful book. Bogel breaks down the major personality assessments out there and how you can best utilize them to help you fulfill your role in God's kingdom. I was aware of many of the personality assessments that Bogel discussed but there were a few that I had never heard of before. She makes them simple and easy to understand through real life examples and simple anecdotes. 

Overall, I give Reading People a solid B+. It is a good book that would be an excellent tool for anyone that is involved in a ministry where you interact with large groups of people on a regular basis. It could also be useful for people that are dealing with conflicts in the workplace, PTA, or even just family life. 

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