The Courtesan tells the story of a young girl named Sai Jinhua who becomes a courtesan.
It follows her from the day that her father is beheaded (about age 7) through her excursion to Europe as a teenager and finally back to China again.
It shows the horrific things that women and girls have been forced to do throughout history.
I won’t sugar coat it, this book is a HARD read. If you are a survivor of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse this may not be the book for you.
I won’t sugar coat it, this book is a HARD read. If you are a survivor of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse this may not be the book for you.
I struggled to get through parts of it. Sai Jinhua’s life is full of hardships. This book is an excellent example of the depravity of man in my opinion, and a good learning lesson for us all. You can find it here.
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